On October 8th, we hosted our semesterly Food Drive for Knights Helping Knights Pantry at UCF. The Knights Helping Knights Pantry is committed to serving UCF students by providing basic needs including food, clothing, and personal hygiene items to foster continued academic success and increase retention for students in need.
LIFE at UCF had outstanding results during our Knights Pantry Food Drive. This year, 782.7lbs of food and 1,343 items were donated. Additionally, over $2500 in monetary donations, including a $500 Appreciation Award from LIFE at UCF, were received. Judy Lynch presented the $500 check to Eli, the Assistant Pantry Manager, during class on October 15th. Thank you all again for your generosity.
To provide further assistance to the Knights Helping Knights Pantry, small items can be dropped off anytime. There is a donation box next to the information desk in the rotunda of the Student Union, same building as Pegasus Ballroom near the Event Services counter in the atrium. Large donations can be driven to the pantry, located in Ferrell Commons. Call the Pantry: 407-823-3663 for directions. Someone will come out to your car to collect your items. No need to park.
Cash donations are accepted every week. Address your check to Knights Helping Knights Pantry. Give your check to Leslie and we will deliver your check to the Pantry.
Learn more at Knightspantry.org.