LIFE New Member Information
Below is some information about LIFE. Please stop by the LIFE membership desk before meetings or during the break in the foyer outside the Pegasus Ballroom, if you have any questions.
LIFE Orientation Video
Click here to see the recorded orientation presentation from August 10, 2021
- NAMETAGS – Please wear your nametag to every LIFE meeting; the nametag must be visible to enter the Pegasus Ballroom, ensuring that only members attend lectures.
- PARKING PASSES – When parking on campus, the pass must hang from your rearview mirror. You may park in any campus garage or any lot designated STUDENT PARKING (and only in spaces marked “D” or not marked). Do not park in spaces A, B and C as they are reserved for faculty and staff only and will result in a ticket should you park there. It is UCF policy that you CANNOT back in. The campus police will issue a ticket to anyone not having a UCF parking pass even if parked in the approved areas.NOTE: If you lose your parking pass, LIFE charges $25 for a replacement.
- When on campus, should you need assistance with your vehicle: (dead battery/flat tire/etc.) call 407-823-5555 for Campus Police.
- CURRICULUM (class schedule) – This can be found online at
- CAMPUS MAP – There is a map in your folder, or you can go online to
- LIFE STUDENT ID CARD: Being a student at LIFE comes with many privileges and advantages. Please take the CARD SERVICES ID waiver and form in the envelope provided along with a valid photo ID to the Card Services Office to get your student ID. This office is located opposite the UCF Main Book Store near the Chick-fil-A restaurant. They have your name on a LIFE at UCF membership list.
- Website: LIFE at UCF’s website for updated schedules and events and to find general information about our organization:
- Lectures: LIFE meets every Tuesday morning during the UCF academic year. Please be seated by 8:40 so you can hear the announcements which start at 8:45. Please silence all electronic devices so you do not disturb the lecture.
- Guidelines for bringing guests: You may bring one visitor/guest each semester if we are not meeting in the Cape Florida (CF) or Key West (KW) room. Be sure to register your guest at the welcome desk when you arrive so he/she can get a nametag.
- LIFEtimes: the LIFE newsletter is published three times a year and is available online. Volunteers are welcome to contact our editor, Gail Agor at to join her editorial staff.
- Field Trippin’ with LIFE – Various tours take place during the year. A nominal fee may be charged for the tour. Each trip will be announced approximately 3 weeks in advance and a sign-up will be required.
- Technology Center: LIFE members can visit the UCF Technology Center located in Tech Commons II for educational discounts on all computers, tablets, and other devices.
- Athletic Events: Except for football, LIFE members can attend all athletic events on campus at no cost by showing their LIFE student ID. The UCF Athletic schedule can be found online at
- UCF Theatre & Concerts: LIFE members can enjoy free or reduced student rates to most events with the LIFE ID. The schedule for events can be found at
- Global Perspectives: We routinely bring Internationally renowned speakers to campus to discuss contemporary issues for the education and benefit of all students.
- UCF Partnerships/Volunteer Opportunities – LIFE partners with many departments and colleges at the University. LIFE members are mentors, volunteer at the College of Medicine and College of Nursing and volunteer to support UCF funded research. Announcements to participate in these activities are made during the announcements on Tuesday morning and are shared in the weekly emails.
- UCF Library: LIFE students can access an array of resources at the library. Please refer to the flyer enclosed for LIFE library privileges.
- Student Discounts: Many stores, restaurants and entertainment venues offer student discounts. Many will also honor your LIFE student ID. Always ask if the venue has a student rate.
LIFE Gives Back:
- Knights Helping Knights & Toys for Tots: The UCF food pantry provides food to students who are in need; we collect food and donations for this worthy cause, twice a year, but donations are welcome at any time. A Toys for Toys toy drive is held every year in conjunction with the UCF Campus Police.
- Giving back to UCF: A significant portion of dues collected from our members is given back to UCF faculty and graduate students in the form of grants to support their individual research projects. Additionally, separate awards are applied for, and granted to, researchers whose purpose it is to learn more about aging. LIFE prides itself on providing grant money to act as seed money to get worthwhile projects started.
- LIFE at UCF Disability, Aging & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship: LIFE at UCF supports through a financial scholarship award, the education of UCF undergraduate students engaged in studies relating to the social, cultural, psychological and biological aspects of aging. A $1000 scholarship is award yearly. This scholarship is funded entirely by member donations.
LIFE communicates primarily via email, so it is important that your email address is up to date. LIFE uses MailChimp as its mail server, so please make sure your internet accepts the LIFE emails. Every Friday a notice will be sent informing you about Tuesday’s topics and speakers. If you do not receive these emails, please email or talk to a Membership Committee member seated at the welcome desk just outside the lecture hall. A follow-up email is sent after the morning programs Tuesday afternoon that will include a YouTube link of the recorded morning session, an evaluation survey, and announcements of the week. LIFE tries to only email members twice a week. We encourage members to follow our Facebook page and website.