Frequently Asked Questions

What are LIFE’s office hours?

Please contact LIFE at 407-823-5433 for LIFE’s hours of operation.

For more information, please see Contact.

Where do the weekly lectures take place?

During the fall and spring semesters, lectures take place at 9:00am in the UCF Student Union (STUN). The lecture will occur in the Pegasus Ballroom, the Cape Florida Ballroom (STUN 3rd Floor), or the Key West Ballroom (STUN 2nd Floor). Check the class schedule for the room assignment.

During the summer, LIFE operates on a modified schedule.  Please check the schedule tab under the Curriculum heading for information.

Campus Map

Click here for class schedules.

What is the best time to arrive?

We advise arriving at 8:30am to ensure a seat and to hear our announcements that begin at 8:45am.

How does parking work?

You will receive a hanging decal that must be displayed or run the risk of getting a citation.

You can park in any student designated garages and surface lots marked “D” or not marked. Spaces marked A,B, and C are reserved for faculty and staff only. If you have a handicap tag, you can park in any handicap spaces marked “Handicap”. No back-in or pull-through parking is permitted in any parking garages or surface lots.

Parking Handout

Campus Parking Map

You can also take the Pegasus Shuttle from parking garages A and I to the Student Union. This is the “Black” route from stop 11 (parking garages) to stop 1 (Student Union).

On-campus Shuttle Information

Shuttle Map

How long is my parking pass valid?

Your student “D” parking pass if valid for one year- fall semester through summer semester. The pass expires September 30th. Each August/September you will receive a new parking pass for the year.

I forgot my parking pass. What do I do?

You must purchase a temporary pass at one of the kiosks in the lots or on each floor of parking garages. One-day passes are $5. (This is a reminder that citations for invalid parking and parking without a pass begin at $30)

I lost my parking pass. How do I get a new one?

See the membership volunteers at the welcome table. You will need to pay for a one day pass at the kiosk to avoid a parking ticket. A new parking tag will be $25.

How do I pay for a parking ticket?

Contact Parking Services at 407-823-5812 or visit their website.

You can pay for a citation online at https://parking.ucf.edu/citations/

Need Parking Assistance? Car won’t start? Can’t find car?

Please contact Parking Services or UCF Police.

Parking Services: 407-823-5812

UCF Police: 407-823-555

I lost my ID card. How do I get a new one?

The welcome table will be able to give you your UCF ID number so you can go to Card Services. The replacement fee is $15. LIFE at UCF will only pay for an expired LIFE ID.

UCF Card Services: (407) 823-2100 and https://ucfcard.ucf.edu/

Is there a lost and found if I left one of my belongings at the lecture?

The Student Union has a lost and found. You can ask or call the Guest Services desk.

Guest Services: 407-823-0001

If you lost an item in the garage or outside the Student Union you can call the UCF Police Department.

UCF Police: 407-823-5555

Can I bring guests?

You may bring one guest to any session as along we are not meeting in the Cape Florida (CF) room in the Student Union. Be sure to register your guest at the welcome desk when you arrive so he/she can get a name tag. We only allow a guest to attend one session per semester.

Can I attend UCF events as a LIFE member?

Yes! Your LIFE ID allows you to attend many theatre, arts, music and athletic events (football is not included) for the student rate. Check out the UCF links below for the schedule.

UCF Music Calendar

UCF Theatre Calendar

UCF Athletics Calendar

How do I update my personal information?

On the homepage of the website, click “member login”. Login to Member365 using your email address and password. There, you can update all of your contact information.

LIFE at UCF is 501©3 nonprofit equal opportunity organization. LIFE is managed by a board of directors and relies upon volunteers. Questions on policies, bylaws, or volunteer opportunities contact  info@lifeatucf.org.